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Sweet Roses Bouquet

Sweet Roses Bouquet
Sweet Roses Bouquet

Product Description

Our Sweet Roses Bouquet is a classic bouquet of bridal beauty. This is a bouquet that lives up to such a special occasion.

  • White roses and spray roses are carefully arranged together to create a fantastic look. Accented with an ivory satin collar.(Depending on seasonal availability and stock levels)
  • Approximately 15cm W X 30cm H
  • Orientation: All-Around
  • $200.00
    Ex Tax: $200.00
    You will earn a reward of 5% of the total order.
    Applies only to registered customers, may vary when logged in.
    • Stock: In Stock
    • Model: WD00014CASS
    • Weight: 0.50kg
    • SKU: WD00014CASS
    Our Sweet Roses Bouquet is a classic bouquet of bridal beauty. This is a bouquet that lives up to such a special occasion.

  • White roses and spray roses are carefully arranged together to create a fantastic look. Accented with an ivory satin collar.(Depending on seasonal availability and stock levels)
  • Approximately 15cm W X 30cm H
  • Orientation: All-Around
  • Delivery Information

    Greenlane Flowers is pleased to deliver orders Auckland wide, including the CBD and every Auckland Suburb.

    Order online to receive FREE delivery to most Auckland areas (If your order is $70 or over)

    Free Auckland delivery to Long Bay to Massey, no further south than Papakura. No further east than Cockle Bay. West no further than Titirangi township. No delivery to Waiheke Island or other islands. Delivery to Beachlands/Maraetai/Whitford is not included in the free delivery area. If unsure, please contact us to check that your delivery address falls within our free delivery areas.

    We do not offer free delivery to Rural (RD) addresses. We cannot deliver to PO Boxes. Please check before ordering that the address you provide is not a rural delivery. If unsure, please feel free to contact us on 09 918-4444.

    Free delivery only applies to the areas listed above. Addresses outside of these delivery areas will incur a charge

    Ordering Times and Delivery

    Monday to Friday - For same day delivery please place your order before 2:00pm (New Zealand time).

    Saturdays - For same day delivery please place your order before 10 am (New Zealand time).

    Sundays - No Sunday deliveries except Mothers/Valentines Day. Orders received on a Sunday will be processed on the Monday morning.

    Public Holidays- Delivery is not available on Public Holidays.

    Requesting a specific delivery time will incur extra costs.

    Our Delivery Service

    To ensure your flowers arrive looking fresh and beautiful we like to deliver your order personally, if this is not possible we will use trusted, specialist floral couriers.

    Delivery Address

    Please ensure you provide correct delivery details. We can take no responsibility for an incorrectly supplied address or lack of access (eg. gated properties and apartment buildings). If we are unable to locate the correct property or gain access the order will be returned to Greenlane Flowers for redelivery or pick-up. We may charge for redelivery.

    No One at Home

    If there is no one at home to receive your order we will endeavour to find a suitable place at the property to leave your flowers (e.g. protected from the sun, rain or wind) or, if suitable, they may be left with a neighbor. If it is not possible to leave your order, it will be returned to Greenlane Flowers for redelivery or pick-up. We will leave a card in the letter box explaining when we tried to make the delivery and where your flowers have been left. We may charge for redelivery.

    Business Addresses

    If your order is to be delivered to a business address please includes the business name in the delivery information. Deliveries made to businesses will be left with reception that will be responsible for contacting the recipient directly. If the recipient is not at the address, on advice from the business or in accordance with instructions in your order, the flowers may be left with reception or returned to Greenlane Flowers for redelivery or pick-up. A redelivery charge may apply.

    Delivery to Hospitals

    We deliver daily to all Auckland Hospitals. Please include the hospital ward number in the delivery details and please also check that the patient will still be in hospital when the flowers are delivered. If we are unable to deliver your order directly to the patient we will always ensure it is handed to an appropriate member of the hospital staff.

    Orders Outside Auckland

    If you require your order delivered to an address outside of Auckland please contact us directly.

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